here you go,another post by me for today.
i've been blogging quite frequent nowdays.i don't know why i've been so addited to it. =]
As for today's post,i'm about to tell you some side of me that some of you people might not know,well unless you're my friend or mayb if you're close to me.
*gaahhh* i've got nothing to blog about,that's why i wanna talk a little bit bout me.. =D
i'm a girl who loves TECHNO alots..as in ALOT.
and this includes Bass,Trance,Electro, and much much more.
i started to like Techno ever since i'm closed with one of my friend,Farhan.
He's like my Techno Master..LOL..
can say so,because ever since i was in FORM 1,i got very very close to him because of all this.
So we started to like exchange songs..intro-ing new songs and videos..(techno songs)
then he'll show me some videos and i'll give comments bout it..
and we can actually talk and talk and talk bout it for like the whole afternoon..!
so at first,it all started with SHUFFLE..
so,usually i'm like his commenter (if you get what i mean)
i am always helping him with his songs,video,and those shuffle outfit thing.
for example,his shuffle pants. (i give some of my ideas on what to design on that pants and suprisingly he sketch my idea on the paper and sent it to me on msn)
plus,he's always telling me bout those clubbing thing..
then i started to get so interested and wanted to go clubbing so BADLY..
Anyway,he's been a very very cool guy to me.
mayb some of you might thought that he'd influenced me but that ain't true...
it's like,after i mixed around with him and his techno thing,i started to find out what i actually like ( i meant like the inner-me).
so yeah..he's cool..
*opps* (why all of a sudden i talked about him)
nevermind...so now you know some side of me now =)
but if you find it kinda like very *ungirly* then just bare with it la.. =]
by the way,to any of you that read this post..
i guessed you all can figure out another side of me that like something got to do with those techno and dance music too right..?
HAHA...go ahead and figure out
i just mention it a moment ago..LOL
(enjoy my blog's song)
::adores DJ Tiesto and Benny Benassi::
::bass for life::
thnks FS
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