As the new year comes..i got a new present too :D :D
its an Acoustic Guitar ( Toms )
bought from Aeon Mall at Yamaha Music shop..
i like the shape of this i choose this instead of the common shape that is much similiar to the classical guitar.
me,being a beginner needs to really really work hard on the chords and stuff.
even my fingers hurts so bad.. ><
i thought it'd be easier to play a guitar but its not..but anything can be done if you had the heart to do it right? =)
p.s:: daddy bought i don't have to come out any money..yay!!
since last time i've always wanted to play this damn freaking i finally get one..i mean..instead of just talking and do nothing (NATO) there's no point right? so now imma start learning how to play this 'thing'..haha
Those of you out there who might find this guitar 'LAME'..i don't care la =P
i'll upgrade to a new one as soon as i know how to play ( pro ) =D
currently i'm learning a song which i wanted to perform one day..hehe
so here's some snapshots of my new sweetheart ^_^

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