sorry for not updating my blog..


yesterday [2.12.2009] , my 4 months old puppy [ nikki ] died..i was at work when i received the call from my sister..i regret for not giving her much attentions these few days..damn i hate how i feel now..since last 3 days..she's not eating..and drink less..and worst part is that..she's really really quiet..not like her usual self..cheerful and hyper..we sensed something is wrong but we tried our best to keep her happy..
and before i go to work yesterday..i went to her and gave her a pat and soft rub on her head..told her to eat more and be my cheerful Nikki again..she didnt respond like how she used to.(standing and wiggle her tail staring with her beautiful eyes) i even told her that after i got my first pay check,i'll bring her to the vet..and pampered her with those dog stuff..but it looks like she didnt want to wait..
after i got the call i cant help it but cry..i wanted to run back home..but its too late...there's nothing else i can do..
she's really special..and no other dogs can replace her..i cant write long..because..erm..tears are dropping more and more if i kept on yea..thats all for now..
My Baby Nikki will always stay in our memories..and never shall fade..